PA2. OPINION _ The architecture from it’s actors

Daniel Mayo Pardo

He was born in Navas de Oro in Segovia, Castilla y León, and studied architecture in the university San Pablo- CEU of Madrid.

He is a young architect, he’s only 29 years old, and with some other architect friends has built the first «Landscape Hotel» of Spain. This hotel is located in Benimantell, Alacant. It is a hotel build by different moduls and is very innovative as well as how it was built; the thecniques used to build the hotel are also very new at least in Spain.

«Sólo sobrevivimos si satisfacemos las necesidades del cliente.»

«We only survive if we satisfy the clients necessities

This quote is his maximum and what he probably means with this is that it doesn’t matter if you don’t meet the expectations of your clients in what the design (maybe) means, but in terms of their needs you have to if you ever want to achive success.

That’s what I undertand from his quote and probably what my mind wants to interprete his quote as.